8-channel sound and video installation with a sound poem performed by German/Turkish poet and vocalist Oya Erdogan
with the kind collaboration of the Electroacoustic Music Studios of the Academy of the Arts Berlin and the Electronic Music Studios of Berlin Technical University (TU)
premiered: International Poesie Festival Berlin, 20-27.06.2015
The 8-channel sound and video installation “Freude” (Joy) is based on the sound poem of the same name by Oya Erdogan. The poem is inspired by Karlheinz Stockhausen´s “Die 24 Stunden des Tages” (The 24 Hours of the Day. “Joy” deals with the universal spirit of creation. The poem explores words and expressions found in several cultures and religions and combines words in German, Latin, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Hebrew and Greek.
Mario Verandi´s multi-channel sound installation focuses on Oya Erdogan´s vocal performance of her poem “Joy”. It uses the phonetic and rhythmic components of the poem to form a spatial counterpoint of words, syllables and phrases. Verandi´s composition give the sound components of the poem a wider meaning and opens spatially, acoustically and semantically new perceptions of “Joy”.